Photographer Susan Meiselas studied anthropology and got her Masters degree in Visual Education at Harvard University before beginning her documentary work.

Professional Women

Extraordinary Women

My one writing teacher (who remains a friend today) simply told me to get out of Dodge. “You’re a writer, what are you waiting for?” But it took several more years before I was willing to start failing.  —Sallie Tisdale

More women than men were awarded PhDs in 2009.  Women’s entrepreneurship is credited for helping dramatically reduce poverty, promote gender equality and give them the means to improve the health of their families and finance the education of their children.

On this website we have interviews with several extraordinary women—with more to come!—who have taken a variety of paths to build impressive careers.   Each of these professionals has opened up about their education, work experience and the changes they are seeing in their industry.  In addition, these women share with us the advice they have to offer to those who want to work in their field.

Writer Sallie Tisdale

Fit Engineer Cindy F.

Accountant Helen Pilgrim, EA, LTC

Accounting Executive Joanne M. Riddle


The Washington Post piece Women Outpace Men in Earning PhDs.

Several studies are available about the benefits of entrepreneurial women & educating girls:
From Entrepreneurship to Education: How Empowering Women Can Help Their Children Learn (International Labor Organization)

The Power of Educating Girls (Huffington Post piece, posted on the McArthur Foundation website)

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